1. Table No. 21 (2013) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
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A couple live a mediocre life and are thrilled to have won an exotic vacation to Fiji & their excitement increases when they get a chance to play
2. The Role of NAD+ in Regenerative Medicine - PMC - PubMed Central
The diverse protective and regenerative capacity of NAD+ has been attributed to its involvement in the prevention of multiple hallmarks of cellular aging (Table ...
The understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of aging has grown exponentially over recent years, and it is now accepted within the scientific community that aging is a malleable process; just as it can be accelerated, it can also be slowed ...
3. Analyzing the clinical characteristics of the SCAMP5 gene in gliomas and ...
Jan 3, 2025 · Author Information. a Department of Neurology, Hunan University of ... [21]. Gorlia T, Delattre JY, Brandes AA, et al. New clinical ...
gliomas is unclear. The datasets were downloaded from the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas website (http://www.cgga.org.cn/). We conducted a Cox survival analysis to establish a correlation between SCAMP5 gene expression and the general survival rate of patients with glioma. We performed Gene Ontology analysis to determine the biological functions of the SCAMP5 gene. Finally, we constructed a prediction model using primary relapse state type, age, grade, isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation status, 1p/19q co-deletion status, and the SCAMP5 gene expression value. Using this model, we can forecast the survival rates of patients for 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 years. SCAMP5 was enriched in low-grade gliomas and isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant gliomas, 1p19q-deficient gliomas. SCAPM5 is an independent prognostic factor for the overall survival of glioma patients. Predictive models developed by SCAMP5 were able to predict well the long-term survival of patients. The evidence suggests that the SCAMP5 gene plays a significant function in glioma patients. There is a clear correlation between the expression of the SCAMP5 gene and the overall survival of glioma patients....
4. Gut and Liver
Gut Liver 2013; 7(5): 532-538 https://doi.org ... Author Information. Eiji Yamada*, Hidenori Ohkubo ... Then, a lot of studies showed the ...
Eiji Yamada, Hidenori Ohkubo, Takuma Higurashi, Eiji Sakai, Hiroki Endo, Hirokazu Takahashi, Eri Uchida, Emi Tanida, Nobuyoshi Izumi, Akira Kanesaki, Yasuo Hata, Tetsuya Matsuura, Nobutaka Fujisawa, Kazuto Komatsu, Shin Maeda, and Atsushi Nakajima. Gut and Liver 2013;7:532-8. https://doi.org/10.5009/gnl.2013.7.5.532
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 for-Art L. fromir. THE. ADAM and EVE. STORY by. Chan ...
6. Cancer - World Health Organization (WHO)
Cancer is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual ...
7. Tigers in their new territory: intraspecific interactions among the ...
3 days ago · Following their local extinction, Tigers were reintroduced in Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) in 2009, with comprehensive monitoring of the founder ...
Intra-specific interactions among top carnivores are among the most intriguing behavioural aspects and essential components of population dynamics. Static interactions pertain to space use, while dynamic interactions involve spatio-temporal patterns influenced by social structure, distribution, mate selection, and density. Previous studies have focused on static interactions, successfully estimating spatial overlap but leading to a knowledge gap of dynamic interaction to be able to compute attraction and avoidance on similar spatio-temporal scales. We fitted VHF and GPS collars to 13 tigers to study the static and dynamic interactions among the reintroduced tiger population in Panna Tiger Reserve. To investigate spatial interactions, we used Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimator methods. To capture dynamic interactions at different scales, we calculated Benhamou’s Movement Interaction index and a Correlation Coefficient (Cr) at two critical distance thresholds (Δ500m and 100m). We documented 18 and 35 intra-sex dyads for males and females respectively, and 73 inter-sex dyads from 2009 to 2019. We observed high spatial overlap in male*female dyads. Dynamic interactions and similar movement patterns were noted in mother*cub dyads, while male movements were predominantly independent. We evaluated 23 male*female dyads and found moderate to strong dynamic interactions between individuals. Spatial interaction largely depends on home-range shape and size and does not necessarily a...
8. Wealth-related inequality in women healthcare-seeking behaviour for ...
1 day ago · Table 2 shows the Erreygers decomposition of inequalities in women healthcare seeking behaviour for under-five children illness. The ...
This study examined the wealth-related inequality in women healthcare seeking behaviour for under-five children illness in Afghanistan and its determinants. Data of 32409 mothers/caregivers of children under-five were extracted from Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey conducted in 2022. Wealth-related inequalities in women healthcare seeking behaviour for under-five children illness was investigated using Erreygers and Wagstaff concentration indices and curve. Contributions of selected factors to the total inequality were estimated using the Erreygers decomposition technique. The Erreygers and Wagstaff normalized concentration indices for women healthcare seeking behaviour for under-five children illness was 0.040; p < 0.000 and 0.042; p < 0.000 respectively. Hence, women healthcare seeking behaviour for children under-five illness was heavily concentrated among women from richer households and disfavoured women from poorer households. The decomposition findings revealed that household wealth (265%), residency in rural areas (-125%), access to mobile phone (-83%), access to internet (67%) and mothers’ education (26%) were the major determinants of pro-rich inequalities. Policy makers, the private and development actors in Afghanistan should promote inclusive income generation interventions and healthcare awareness programmes, including women from poor households to eliminate wealth-related inequalities in women healthcare seeking behaviour. There is need for d...
See Also9.2: Partial Molar Quantities
9. Evaluation of NU-WRF Rainfall Forecasts for IFloodS - AMS Journals
Corresponding author address: Di Wu, Code 612, NASA God- ... Iowa Flood Center, 2013: IFC-2013 progress report. ... Software, 21, 1402–1415, doi:10.1016/ · j ...
10. Can Robotic Thyroidectomy Be Performed Safely in Thyroid ...
Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014;29(3):226-232. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3803/EnM.2014.29.3.226. Published online: September 25, 2014. Author information ...
Table 1 Incidence of Transient and Permanent Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury
11. Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review - PLOS
Likewise, social relationships have been linked to the development [16],[17] and progression [18]–[21] ... Author Contributions. ICMJE criteria for authorship read ...
In a meta-analysis, Julianne Holt-Lunstad and colleagues find that individuals' social relationships have as much influence on mortality risk as other well-established risk factors for mortality, such as smoking.
12. Table - PMC - NCBI
Author, Region, Publication year, Study year, FIGO Stage, Study design, Cohort, LH, RH, AH, Median Follow-up (months) LH/AH. Campos et al. [25], Brazil, 2013 ...
Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy is the standard treatment for early cervical cancer. Studies have shown superior oncological outcome for open versus minimal invasive surgery, but peri- and postoperative complication rates were shown ...
13. Parenting Challenges and Opportunities among Families ...
Mar 10, 2022 · 2013; World Childhood Foundation 2020). However, the underlying ... Author Contributions. Conceptualization, L.O.B. and A.S.M. ...
Poverty-related stressors have been found to impact parenting behaviors which can result in adverse outcomes for children. The current qualitative study focused on understanding the challenges of caregivers (N = 70) living in poverty. The sample was diverse and included mothers, fathers, and grandparents raising grandchildren. Stories of caregivers were gathered to improve the understanding of families living in poverty in an effort to work towards changing how our world supports families that are vulnerable. Results indicate that families experiencing poverty and related risk factors experience challenges in the realm of child safety, education, and racism/prejudice. Families also discussed ways to improve their environment which included increased financial resources, increased access to high-quality healthcare and childcare, and positive environmental change. Note that the current study outlines the complexity of parenting in poverty and that associated challenges are intertwined. Recommendations are made to address systemic barriers at the individual and community level in an effort to better support caregivers experiencing adversity and parenting in the 21st century.
14. The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections ...
Apr 2, 2015 · Table of Contents · The number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians around the world. · Atheists, agnostics and other people who ...
As of 2010, nearly a third of the world's population identified as Christian. But if demographic trends persist, Islam will close the gap by the middle of the 21st century.
15. [PDF] Tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase improves bone ... - bioRxiv
certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who ... 2013;2013:292506. Epub 2013/06/14. doi: 354 ... 21. Twigg SR, Kan R, Babbs C, Bochukova EG ...
16. [XML] https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/microbiology/articles/10.3389 ...
... author">
Cui Mingxian 1 Edited by: Quanjiao Chen, Wuhan Institute of Virology (CAS), China